Quit smoking

Quit Smoking try Nicotine Pouches!. Smokers know that smoking is not healthy, but they just can’t quit.

They have tried several times with different results sometimes smokeless lasting a couple of months and some shorter periods.  

Smokers are tired of trying and feel ashamed in front of families and friends when they fail. Like most people, smokers hate looking weak, so instead of trying again they tell everyone that it tastes sooo gooood.

Anyone that has smoked knows that’s not the case, burning tobacco leafs inhaled in the lungs has the same taste like licking an ashtray. They try to add menthol in the tobacco and believes that the smell from them and their clothes is not noticed, but actually, they have lost their sense of smell.

If we disregard the smell of the smokers there is a much more serious issue.

Cigarette smoking is powerfully addictive and caused 100 million deaths in the 20th century. In the 21st century, if smoking trends persist as expected, one billion people will die from smoking tobacco. All of these deaths are preventable.

The majority of the 150 million deaths from smoking expected worldwide in the next 20 years will occur in people who are smoking today. These people need help.

We are talking about lung cancer.

Smoking is the number one cause of lung cancer, being responsible for around 80 percent of lung cancers in the United States. The risk of someone who smokes developing lung cancer is 13 to 23 times greater than a non-smoker.  

Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2865193/

There is a country that has lower tobacco-related illnesses. 

The Swedish Experience

The risk of a man dying from a tobacco-related illness is less in Sweden than in any other European country, although tobacco consumption is on a comparable level with that of other countries in Europe. Researchers refer to this paradox as “the Swedish Experience”. Source: SwedishMatch.com

Instead of smoking cigarettes swedes use SnusDips (with tobacco) and NicoDips, (tobacco free).

Nicotine Dips will be available in most countries in Europe and will eventually save lives when smokers transform their nicotine addiction from smoking to Nicotine Dips. 

Quit Smoking try Nicotine pouches!