Nicotine Pouches Tobacco-Free​ NicoDips

The product hasn’t got any standard name yet, so the users will name it in the following years.

Everybody knows what a cigarette is and what smoking means. So what the name should be when you use it is an open question. 

Dip is the American word, the act of using it is called dipping, placing a “dip” of tobacco between the lip and the gum, but this is no tobacco. In Sweden, the practicing is called Snusa but that is also for tobacco content.

The product is marketed under the following categories.

All White, (compared to chewing bags or snus this is All White), Nicotine Pouches, Nicotine Pods, Tobacco-Free Nicotine Pouches, Tobacco Free Pouches, NicoDips (the first trademark for this category 2006), Nicotine Portion.

Regardless of the name chosen All White or Nicotine Pouches etc. They do not contain any tobacco that will make your teeth yellowish and give you bad breath.

So make sure when you are tired of smoking, that you choose a tobacco free product, that will help you reach your goal.